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Men Taking Action Against the War on Women

Christian Men's Network Challenges Men to Honor Women, Say No To Porn, Sex Trafficking and Abuse

Contact: Lynn Scarborough, 469-951-7051, lynn4pr@yahoo.com

DALLAS, March 21, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The global war against woman and girls has at least one international men's ministry both speaking out and taking action to change the behaviors that contribute to the injustice.

"We believe in honoring women and we challenge men around the world to do the same," states Paul Louis Cole, President of Christian Men's Network. "To stop the battle against women, we need to end the war in the hearts of men. Jesus came to save the world by changing hearts."

Christian Men's Network was founded in 1977 by the late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, called by many "the father of the men's movement." Over the last 36 years Christian Men's Network has trained over 1 million men in more than 100 countries and now growth is exploding. Currently more than 350,000 men each month participate in the world's most popular men's curriculum.

"Until men begin to honor their wives, daughters and other men's daughters, there will not be long-lasting or significant change," Cole said. "When a man is maximized in his manhood, he recognizes that the women around him need to be maximized in their womanhood."

From the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Americas and Europe, Christian Men's Network is elevating and improving the condition of women through:

  1. Teaching men to value women as Jesus Christ did, love their wives and raise morally-strong children
  2. Confronting men about abuse, pornography and infidelity
  3. Supporting anti-sex-trafficking initiatives and rescue for child victims

CMN's Global Men's Summit, Lion's Roar 2013, on April 18-20, 2013, features Nick Caine from the anti-sex slavery movement; Alex Mitala from the child-warriors rescue operations of Sudan; Robert Barriger from street-children rehabilitation in Peru; and leaders from 20 nations who will provide solutions for dealing with this global epidemic, plus teach effective ways to help men maximize their ability to help critical issues affecting women and children everywhere.

"Let's face it -- it is men who are responsible for the global rise of child exploitation, pornography, sex trafficking and abuse," Cole said. "CMN is actively aligned with major global leaders to bring men into a new awareness of their social responsibilities before God."

Lion's Roar 2013 runs noon, Thursday, April 18 to noon, Saturday April 20. Registration is $139 with group discounts. Evening sessions are open to the public, 7:00 to 9:00 on Thursday and Friday. Day sessions are for registered conference delegates only. Lion's Roar is being held at Gateway Grand Prairie (formerly Shady Grove Church), south of DFW Airport, 2404 N. Carrier Parkway, Grand Prairie, Texas. Spanish translation available. Visit www.LionsRoar2013.com.

Paul Louis Cole, CMN President along other global leaders are available for interviews.

Contact: Lynn Scarborough, 469.951-7051 lynn4pr@yahoo.com