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Susan B. Anthony List Acts with Reckless Disregard for the Truth
Attacks on Pro-life Democrats Found Without Merit
Contact: Kristen Day, Executive Director, Democrats For Life of America, 202-220-3066
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Ohio Elections Commission ruled today that there is probable cause to believe that the Susan B. Anthony List acted with reckless disregard for the truth in their campaign claim that Congressman Driehaus voted in favor of taxpayer funded abortion when he voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This ruling requires the Susan B. Anthony to come back before the Ohio Elections Commission and prove the truth of their claim. 
"We knew all along that we had the truth on our side and we are pleased that the Commission ruled in our favor," said Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats For Life. "We are disappointed in those who would mischaracterize the pro-life Democrats vote for political gain. We look forward to a full hearing on the matter before the Ohio Elections Commission and our confident that the ruling will allow the truth to prevail - that Congressman Driehaus did not vote for taxpayer funded abortions because there is no federal funding for abortion in the PPACA." 
Since the final vote on the PPACA, the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) and other pro-life groups have targeted pro-life democrats who supported the final bill and accused them of supporting taxpayer funding of abortion.   The SBA List attempted to put up billboards in the 1st Congressional District of Ohio which stated, "Shame, Congressman Driehaus supported taxpayer funded abortion."  Driehaus took the courageous step of publicly challenging the group before the Ohio Elections Commission. Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats for Life of America, submitted an affidavit of support.
It is no coincidence the GOP's number one targets are the same pro-life Democrats that the Susan B. Anthony List has targeted with their "Votes have Consequences Campaign." They support a Republican Agenda and do not understand that whole life agenda requires support pregnant women and children. 
"Votes may have consequences, but so do lies," said Day. "All we want is an honest a fair fight about the bill. Lying about the funding for abortion to defeat pro-life democrats may help with Republican gains, but it will weaken and hurt the pro-life movement in the long term."
Congressman Driehaus is running for re-election. While an advocate for health care reform, he stood firm in his refusal to support any bill that did not clearly maintain the status quo against taxpayer funding of abortion.   He did not waiver until he and other pro-life Democrats worked together to secure an Executive Order from the President making it clear.