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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adult Stem Cell Researchers Ask Federal Appeals Court to Reverse District Court Ruling Regarding Research Using Human Embryos

Terry for President to Travel to 7 States: Opening Campaign Offices in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Minnesota, and Idaho. Super Bowl Ads Purchased in 5 Markets, and Growing

American Laws for American Courts Accomplishes What the Oklahoma Amendment Has Not

Dr. Ligon Duncan Elected to Regular Faculty of RTS While Continuing the Pastorate

2012 Predictions for Gold, Silver, Stock Market, Economy and Elections

Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Endorses Florida Amendment Banning All Abortions

U.S. Military Aviators 'Go Rogue' to Defend Israel -- New Novel

LifeWay Women Launches Newest Women's Bible Study Via Facebook Party, Webcast

T.E.A. 2.0: MI U.S. Senate Candidate Turning 'Taxed Enough Already' into 'Take Effective Action'

Bestselling Authors to Speak Jan. 21, 2012, During March for Life Weekend

FRC's Tony Perkins to Speak at Rally Urging Mayor Bloomberg to Reverse Decision Evicting Houses of Worship from Public Schools

Pilgrim Cross and Icon of Our Lady

Pastor Calls Christians to Vote for Rick Santorum - Because Santorum is the Most God-Fearing

Reclaiming National Sanity

Ron Paul Receives Major Evangelical Endorsement from Dr. James Linzey, President of Military Bible Association

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thousands Expected at 8th Annual Walk for Life West Coast in Heart of San Francisco

The Douay-Rhiems New Testament & Old Testament Narrated by Steve Webb

HLI Encourages Hungarians to Stand Firm in Defense of Family

IRD: Episcopal Property Ruling a Pyrrhic Victory

Highlights of Tax Changes for Churches & Pastors

Steve Mosher to Appear on Raymond Arroyo's 'The World Over'

'October Baby' Sets March 23 Premiere

Randall Terry got Higher Percentage of Vote Than Rick Perry in New Hampshire Primary

Christian Fiction Author Provides a New Tool for Evangelism: A 99-cent E-book

Pioneers Video Explores Church Planting in Central Africa

Christian Groups Plan Major Prayer and Public Witness Event at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte this Summer

Prison Bars Brother of Imprisoned Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng from Visiting

Santorum Beats Romney in a Landslide: New National Straw Poll Results

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

AGCI Congratulates the Watson Family on Their Selection by Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

'Heaven Is for Real for Kids' Reaches #1 on 'New York Times' Best Seller List

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