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Stasi Eldredge's 'Becoming Myself' 8-Session DVD from David C Cook Releases January 1
Contact: Kelly Hughes, 312-280-8126
MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 17, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Bestselling author Stasi Eldredge shares her ongoing journey of heartbreak and triumph in her latest book, Becoming Myself: Embracing God's Dream of You, from David C Cook.

On January 1, 2014, a companion DVD will provide even more guidance for women looking to go deeper into their own stories in the new year. The DVD, book, and study guide feature Stasi's winsome voice, wisdom, and insights as she invites women to be active participants in the lifelong process of spiritual transformation.
Filmed before a live audience, Stasi leads eight sessions, 12-15 minutes each, on topics such as freedom, worship and identity:
Session One: Does Anyone Really Change?
Session Two: Looking Back with Mercy/The Landscape of Our Lives
Session Three: Our Mothers, Ourselves
Session Four: From Accepting to Embracing/From Fear to Desire
Session Five: The Company of Women/Beauty Forged in Suffering
Session Six: Stumbling into Freedom
Session Seven: Becoming a Woman of Faith and Worship
Session Eight: Becoming Your True Name/Take Heart
Just as the book does, the Becoming Myself DVD offers opportunities for a profound exploration of issues that affect every woman's life, and which often result in a burden of shame and fear. The beautiful paradox at the heart of Becoming Myself is that the more God's we become, the more ourselves we become. Accelerating the "becoming" of ourselves involves saying yes to God again and again. The Becoming Myself DVD series guides women in the process of embracing the person God is calling us to be.
Stasi Eldredge is coauthor with her husband John of the bestselling women's spirituality classic, Captivating. A teacher and conference speaker, Stasi leads the women's ministry of Ransomed Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God. She is also the coauthor with John of Love and War. Her books have sold nearly 3 million copies. Stasi lives with her family in Colorado.
Becoming Myself DVD
by Stasi Eldredge
David C Cook
Release date: January 1, 2014