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Palestinian Authority Permits Christian Call to Follow Jesus Christ in Search of Peace
Contact: Jennifer Thomasson, 800-872-1205

PADUCAH, Ky., May 27, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- A team of Christians from America led by Terry McIntosh, an enthusiastic advocate for Jesus Christ from Paducah, KY, are leaving indelible footprints on Palestinian soil in an unusual way. They recently spent time in the Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus during a recent visit to Palestine, followed up by a visit to Jericho where they conducted an open air campaign in the city center on May 20, with permission from the Palestinian Authority.

McIntosh and his team initially visited the people of Balata and witnessed the harsh conditions of the Palestinian people. The team hosted a meeting in the camp and celebrated God's love for Palestine. He encouraged residents to seek the power they need from Jesus Christ, the One that God sent to save humanity.

McIntosh issued an international call to prayer on behalf of Palestine in the name of Jesus, whom he claims has miracle working power, and can help. McIntosh said that religious leaders must point the way to peace. He called upon Israel and Palestine to follow the Christ and commanded Israel to tear down the Separation Wall, to do right, and to seek peace with full rights for the Palestinians. He called upon Palestinians to seek peace and provoke Israel to jealousy because of their godliness.

The polemic evangelist may not make a lot of friends among some Christian circles, but his message resounds clearly among Palestinians. He says there is a growing number of Palestinians who realize the need for greater power in their lives, and Palestinian officials support the McIntosh team in their effort to tear down strongholds of ancient hatred between Jews and Palestinians. The fact that Palestinian officials, going all the way back to Yasser Arafat, lend support to McIntosh by permitting him to speak in public forums about such sensitive religious and political issues, adds to the puzzling example he sets.

Some Christian peers suspect that McIntosh has an agenda against Israel, otherwise he would not be permitted to speak openly. Not so, he says. "We have been so accused, but our agenda is to see both Jews and Palestinians living in peace through Christ, and each man to his own home without fear. Those who accuse us of antisemitism just can't recognize the work of God when they see it, and they don't like it when the PA demonstrates religious freedom. They are too bogged down in false religious theology, and think they are doing God a favor by supporting Israel, even when they do wrong. They do not realize that Palestinians are brothers with equal rights before God."

That statement may send shivers down the spine of Jews and Christian zionists, but McIntosh seeks to establish truth regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, bridging religion and politics, and he wants to expose the falsity of contrary positions.

For one thing, McIntosh declares Israel's security wall to be illegitimate and aggressively calls upon Israel to follow the Christ for security rather than depending on man's wisdom.

He says, "Man's wisdom supports the wall. However, it is contrary to the word of God. The theft of land to the harm of thousands of Palestinians is a crime. The Bible says, 'Cursed is anyone who moves their neighbor's boundary stone, and the prophet Hosea said 'Judah's leaders are like those who move boundary stones.' If Israel would follow Christ, and treat Palestinians as the brothers they are, there would be cause for peace. Of course, Palestine must eliminate all criminal acts of terrorism intended to harm Jews. Biblically, the wall must come down. Our voice will withstand false accusations by those who support the wall, and our voice shall prevail as it is the will of God according to sacred writings."

Regarding the radical Islamic religious view that all Jews must die, McIntosh disagrees. "There is room for Jewish Israel in the land, too, as God ordained for those who do right. It is no different for Palestinians. Both sides must conform to the way of God through Jesus Christ before peace can be realized. Once that happens, the two will become a force for good not to be reckoned with."

Considering that Jews don't believe in Jesus as the Christ, and that Muslim extremists have sworn to destroy Israel, the McIntosh team has its work cut out for itself. McIntosh says, "It's not our job to bring peace, rather to proclaim and lift up the One who can make it happen, that is Jesus."