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Stanton Healthcare to Hold Dedication Service for Recently Purchased Property Next to Planned Parenthood -- Sunday, Sept. 15 in Meridian, Idaho
Contact: Brandi Swindell, Founder and President, Stanton Healthcare, 208-867-1307
MERIDIAN, Idaho, Sept. 15, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Stanton Healthcare to hold Dedication Service for recently purchased property right next to Planned Parenthood.
"Rally for Life" will be held on Sunday, September 15 at 3:00 P.M. at 2218 E. Franklin Road in Meridian, Idaho.
The Rally will also kick off a major campaign called "Protect Them Both" in which the local community will work to come together to ensure that Meridian does not become the abortion capital of Idaho.
For more information go to meridianforlife.org
Stanton Healthcare is a life-affirming medical clinic which helps and assists women experiencing unexpected pregnancies.
Stanton, which already has a clinic right next to Planned Parenthood in Boise, Idaho, plans to build a state-of-the-art center next to Planned Parenthood's new center in Meridian.
This would mark the first time that the pro-life community purchased property and is building a life-affirming clinic right next to Planned Parenthood.
The goal of Stanton Healthcare is to replace Planned Parenthood with life-affirming women's clinics that provide quality health care for women and embrace justice and human rights for all.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., and founding Stanton Board Member, states;
"I am thrilled to be part of the Dedication Service for Stanton Healthcare as they plan to open a new state-of-the-art life-affirming women's clinic right next to Planned Parenthood.
"By building this clinic right next to the world's largest abortion provider, Stanton is offering women with unexpected pregnancies true choices, compassion and quality health care.
"Simply stated, the time has now come to replace Planned Parenthood."
Brandi Swindell, Founder and President of Stanton Healthcare, adds;
"92% of all women who use Planned Parenthood services get an abortion and for every 145 abortions performed, Planned Parenthood only makes one adoption referral.
"Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the world.  The women of Idaho deserve better and more options.   Every woman should have access to quality healthcare and compassionate abortion alternatives. To ensure those facing unexpected pregnancies receive professional, quality  and life-affirming medical care at no cost, Stanton recently bought property right next to Planned Parenthood Meridian and we plan to build a new state-of-the-art clinic.
"We will provide ultrasounds, first trimester pre-natal care, baby supplies, maternity clothes, parenting classes and life coaching through our 18 month program so women will have the resources they need. Stanton Meridian will complement our Stanton Mobile RV, and Stanton Boise, which is also located right next to a Planned Parenthood.
"Our goal is to use our new Stanton Clinic as a nationwide model for other pregnancy resources centers and life-affirming clinics across the country in our goal to replace Planned Parenthood."
For more information and interviews call: Brandi Swindell at 208.867.1307