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Opinion: God's Help Rejected
Contact: Gary McCullough, 202-546-0054
OPINION, Aug. 15, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Gary McCullough, director of Christian Newswire:
In the not too distance future a politician is dying from an incurable disease. The man prays to God for help, saying save me and I will believe in you.
After a short conversation with God the politician says aloud, "Thanks for nothing," and dies.
Nearby at the same time another politician is dying from the same incurable disease makes the offer to God; save me and I will believe in you.
God tells the man, "I sent a child with your cure years ago but was aborted; you call it pro-choice. Then I sent a medical student who would have found the cure but he was unable to defend himself; you call it gun control. Just last year a team of doctors in Tel-Aviv were on the verge of a cure but were killed; you refused to stand with Israel." 
The man replies with tears in his eyes says, "I understand -- I am so sorry."
A moment later one man is in heaven and the other in hell. The one in heaven is asked by a passing angel, "How is it that you are here and the other isn't?"
President Jimmy Carter replied, "I may have been a terrible President but everybody knows I was not as foolish as President Obama."