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New Video Series on End-of-Life Questions Released

Contact: Ann Olson, Human Life Alliance, 651-484-1040 aolson@humanlife.org

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Aug. 3, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ -- Human Life Alliance (HLA) and the Pro-life Healthcare Alliance (PHA) announce the release of a new video magazine "Informed: Life is Worth Living."

"This comprehensive video series on end-of-life decisions is the primer people need to navigate today's healthcare systems," remarked HLA Executive Director Jo Tolck.

From understanding living wills to living with a deadly diagnosis or knowing about physician assisted suicide and disabilities, "Informed: Life is Worth Living" helps people comprehend the complexities of end-of-life topics.

"The vision behind this new series is much like HLA's groundbreaking magazines and advertising supplements," commented Tolck. "People need to understand the broad implications of healthcare decisions in the 'Obamacare' world."

The title, "Informed," echoes one of HLA's most popular printed pieces. Tolck explained, "It's a guide to making critical medical decisions and every family should keep a copy on-hand."

"Informed: Life is Worth Living" is an essential resource to communicate pro-life healthcare information. Viewers will learn about the dangers inherent in today's end-of-life decisions. They'll be equipped with information from individuals who have first-hand experience in navigating these crucial choices. Chapter titles include:

    Understanding Critical Medical Decisions
    Peter's Story: When a Child Dies
    Brain Death: Jennifer Hamann's Story
    The hidden Story about Organ Donation
    Living with a Deadly Diagnosis
    Facing the Disability Challenge
    Understanding Depression and Dying
    Hospice: Making an Informed Decision
    What about Food and Water
    The Myth of Physician Assisted Suicide Safeguards

Available in DVD format or online, "Informed" includes interviews with leading pro-life advocates such as Julie Grimstad (Life is Worth Living), Mary Kellett (Prenatal Partners for Life), Jennifer Hamann (CA Nurses for Ethical Standards), Dana Palmer (cancer survivor), Mark Davis Pickup (disability rights advocate), Dr. Karl Benzio (Lighthouse Network) and Jo Tolck (Human Life Alliance).

More than just a sound bite, at a runtime of 56:49, this new series offers an introduction to end-of-life decisions with depth. "It provides densely packed information. Viewers will want to watch this series more than once to get the full message," Tolck pointed out. "'Informed: Life is Worth Living' will save lives. This informative series is perfect for churches, small groups and all of us who need to make critical medical decision."

Available in DVD format, online at HLA's YouTube channel (goo.gl/1WNpA3) or humanlife.org.