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Book Synchronizes New Egyptian Chronology with Bible

"Pharaohs of the Bible 4004 - 960 B.C.: A Unifying High Chronology of Egypt based on a High View of Scripture" by Eve Engelbrite

Contact: Eve Engelbrite,
Eve@PharaohsOfTheBible.com; www.PharaohsOfTheBible.com; Downloadable Audio Clip by Eve Engelbrite 

FLOWER MOUND, Texas, March 20, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Nations are fomenting a new hatred against Israel, denying they had any ancient connection to their land; but archaeology continues to verify the Bible.  History matters.

Conventional chronology assumed Egypt's dynasties ruled consecutively and moved their "national" capital across Egypt; yet archaeological evidence supports several dynasties ruled concurrently from different "state" capitals.  With this major correction, Egypt's chronology falls into place with the Bible and the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia.

"Pharaohs of the Bible" documents evidence to support the following conclusions:
(Noah's sons were Japheth, Shem, and Ham.)

  • Ham's son, Mizraim, was the Scorpion king, the first pharaoh of Egypt.
  • Shem was Imhotep who built Djoser's Food Complex in preparation for Abraham's famine.
  • Joseph became the vizir of Ahmose I and built large, temporary silos at Avaris to prepare for famine.
  • For his last 18 years Jacob was known as Pharaoh Yaqub-Har for official shipments from Avaris.
  • Thera erupted in 1651 B.C. ending Hatshepsut's reign five years before Moses' father was born.
  • Moses' monotheism influenced Akhenaten.  Rameses I was the pharaoh of the exodus (1491 B.C.). 
  • Rameses II lost Syria to the Hittites (1475 B.C.); then he lost Canaan, the Sinai, and the eastern Nile delta of Goshen to Joshua and the children of Israel (1451-1444 B.C.).
  • In the eighth year of Rameses III (1310 B.C.) there was a volcanic eruption described by Judge Deborah as the "earth trembled" and the "mountains melted" in Judges 5:4-11.
  • Amenemhat I (1954-1924 B.C.) built Egypt's defensive border walls approximately where the Suez Canal is today.  Pharaoh Siamun fought King Saul at the wall ("shur" in Hebrew) about 1075 B.C.; and in 1055 B.C. Pharaoh Sheshonk I fought General David there.
  • Prince Hadad escaped to Sheshonk I and married Queen Patareshnes' sister (I Kings 11).
  • Heqakheperre Sheshonk IIa was the biblical Shishak who listed Israel's cities on Sheshonk I's wall to honor his father.

Eve Engelbrite began studying the Bible in 1973 when she became a Christian. She earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Arizona State University before teaching middle school.

www.PharaohsOfTheBible.com   Downloadable Audio Clip by Eve Engelbrite