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God's People will Gather for the 3rd Delaware Valley Prayer Gathering with Pastor Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers

Contact: Steve Forde, ACTS413 Ministries, 215-833-9988


PHILADELPHIA, July 2, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Pastor Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers will lead thousands in God's word, worship, and prayer, at the 3rd Delaware Valley Prayer Gathering. On July 12th, 7pm (5:30 seating), at the PA Convention Center, this event, hosted by ACTS413 Ministries, will focus on prayer for pastors, families, prodigals, churches, city, and nation. Churches are encouraged to "load up the buses" for a wonderful time in God's presence.


This event first started on a stormy August night in 2011, where almost 3,000 believers, from 211 churches came to pray at the PA Convention Center. Transcending color and denomination, people united as one voice in the name of Christ. It has been called, "a taste of heaven in the city of brotherly love."


Of the many testimonies coming out of the Prayer Gathering, here are two stories:


While praying, an African American woman held the hand of a Caucasian woman whom she had never met. She wept aloud and embraced the other woman. After the evening ended, they talked. Growing up in Alabama, she experienced racism toward her, which produced her own prejudice, apathy, and mistrust. As she prayed that night, it struck her that this was the first time she had held the hand of a white woman. But what impacted her more was that this was not just a "white woman," but a sister in Christ! The two women have developed lasting fellowship in Christ.


A mother went forward when asked if there were any prodigals in need of prayer. "You may have a son in prison, but tonight we are going to believe that God will touch him right there in that prison cell," said Cymbala. This mother cried praying for her imprisoned son. Soon she experienced healing of her heartache as she asked God to touch her son in prison. Days later, her son called her with news that he surrendered his soul to Jesus, begged God for forgiveness, and asked Him into his life! Her son later was released from prison and is truly walking with God. He calls every day talking about Jesus and all that God has done for him


COME JOIN US! For information, tickets, and to connect with ACTS413 Ministries, see below:


FLYER - www.acts413.net/downloads/flyer_2013.pdf

EVENT INFO & TICKETS - www.acts413.net

FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com/ACTS413

VIDEO - vimeo.com/69210544