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First Dog Agility Novel for Teens Releasing in June
Kristin Kaldahl Announces the Release of Aslan Running Joy

What do you do when your life turns upside down? You get a dog—and run.

Kristin Kaldahl, Author
May 19, 2021

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., May 19, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- First choices out. Second choices in.

It's been that way since dialysis left fourteen-year-old Krissy disabled. Her limitations went from none to a ton, and now they stand in the way of her dream—to compete in dog agility with her new sheltie pup, Aslan.

She's seen videos of agility handlers sprinting, spinning, and twisting as they race with their dogs through the intricate obstacle courses. It's a beautiful sport. Like dance. Like art.

And surely impossible for someone like her.

Her suspicions are confirmed when an agility instructor says Krissy's inability to run will keep her and Aslan from successfully competing against other lightning-fast agility teams and suggests Krissy choose a less physically demanding, second-choice dog sport.

Second choices—once again.

And on top of all that, Krissy is pretty sure she doesn't even like her own dog.

About the Author
Kristin Kaldahl is an award-winning writer and agility instructor. Her dogs have earned eight agility championships and have qualified for the AKC Agility National Championship fourteen times. In addition, Kaldahl is a long-term kidney transplant survivor.

More About the Book
"Aslan: Running Joy" is Kaldahl's debut novel. It's a book about reclamation, overcoming, and the healing love of God working through family, friends, and the furred among us.

"While it is a work of fiction, it draws heavily on my background as a teenager with a kidney transplant and as a disabled adult agility competitor," Kaldahl said. "Because I lived through these things, I was able to pull all those real-life emotions and experiences into the book, making it zing with authenticity."

Kaldahl received her first kidney transplant when she was 13-years-old. "After living 43 years with a kidney transplant, it makes me quite qualified to write this novel, but 'Aslan: Running Joy' isn't a medical drama about getting a transplant. It's a book about the healing power of simple love."

For more information or high resolution images, contact agilityk9trainer@hotmail.com or visit kristinkaldahl.com.

Purchase you copy of Aslan Running Joy now: amzn.com/163357329X.

Book Details:
Young Adult Contemporary
Date Published: June 1, 2021 (CrossLink Publishing, Tantor Media)
Formats: Paperback, ebook, audiobook
Available: Wherever good books are sold
Tags: Dog agility, para athletes, #ownvoices, kidney transplant, dog training

SOURCE Kristin Kaldahl, Author

CONTACT: 405 210-4510, agilityk9trainer@hotmail.com