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Monday, January 08, 2007

Remarks by President Bush and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in Photo Opportunity

Doctors Deplore First US 'Baby Supermarket'

Christian Groups Urge Pelosi to Hold Off Embryonic Stem Cell Bills Based on New Scientific Discovery

Former Terrorist Speaks; Islamics are Liars

Morrison's Authority to Fire Tiller Special Prosecutor In Doubt

Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese Uses the Christian Fish Symbol for Homosexual Solidarity

John Templeton Foundation Backs New Documentary to Make William Wilberforce a Household Name

New Year Bible Study in Communist Party School Raided in Hebei, Christians Number 130 Million in China

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Teachers Develop Special Needs Reading Improvement Program Based on the Work of Forgotten Educational Psychologist

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation

Kansas Supreme Court Asked to Reinstate Tiller Charges

Friday, January 05, 2007

ACLJ This Week with Jay Sekulow -- ACLU & Michael Newdow Debate

Judge Roy Moore and Foundation for Moral Law Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Close Loophole That Allows Frivolous Lawsuits Against Religious Liberty

CWA: Morning-After Pill Fails Tests

Speaker Pelosi Turns 'The People's House' into 'Pelosi's House'

Word of Faith International Christian Center Honors Israel

Burundi's President Praises World Relief Programs

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Without Walls International Church's Pastor Paula White to Speak at Washington Gala Honoring Departing Ambassador of Israel, Daniel Ayalon

World Congress of Families Praises Pope's Comments on Population Decline

Faith and Pro-Life Leaders Plan to Attend Pelosi's 'Open House for the People's House' on Friday

Good News Clubs Return to Connecticut Schools

CWA Welcomes New Congress

The Thread Between Life and Death

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Despite Denials, Bible Literacy Project CLOSELY Aligned with Charles Haynes and the Freedom Forum/First Amendment Center

ICC's Hall of Shame Awards: The World's Top Ten Persecutors of Christians

CLARIFICATION: Credible Evidence Against Tiller Must Not be Suppressed By Corrupt Politics

Infinity Concepts Adds Marketing Director

Institute Deeply Disappointed by Promulgation of Contentious Romanian Religion Law

Priests Group Comments on New Prenatal Testing Recommendation

Wisconsin Right to Life Asks U.S. Supreme Court for Expedited Review of Grassroots Lobbying Case

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