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Latest News

Friday, July 26, 2024

Confronting the 'Woke Mind Virus' of Gender Ideology

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Eagles' Wings Celebrates 30 Years of Impact

Stanton Public Policy Center Calls for Vice-President Harris to Condemn Coerced, Forced and Unwanted Abortions, Which is Abortion Abuse

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Update: Fort Liberty Excludes Operation Rescue in Statement Disavowing 'Terrorist Groups' Training Slide

Kamala Harris is not Religion-Friendly

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Contradictions in the Quran

Julius White Prophesies Revival Over Coffeyville and Tulsa Region

NBC News Report: 'The Firing Squad' Reaches 'Demographic that is Often Left Out of the Box Office Equation'

Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris: Bought and Paid for by Planned Parenthood

Christ for all Nations (CfaN) Completes 15 Simultaneous Mass Gospel Crusades in Uganda with Overwhelming Success

Childcare Worldwide is on a Mission to Serve Children Across the Globe

Friday, July 19, 2024

CA Law Requires Teachers, Staff, and Vendors to Lie to Parents

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Pastor Juan Martinez Unveils 'Prison Break' To Help Set the Body of Christ Free From Bondages, Walk in Freedom and Forgiveness

Dr. Alveda King to Lead Delegation to Stand with Persecuted Armenian Christians

Memorial Prayer Walk for Clementine, Preborn Girl Killed at Cherry Hill Abortion Clinic

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Former Firefighter Ignites Hope in Fellow Trauma Sufferers

Nine Years Ago This Week, Shocking Video Released Exposing Planned Parenthood's Scheme Harvesting Aborted Baby Parts

Christian Filmmakers' 'Toxic' Movie Takes Off On Major Middle East Airlines

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid Teams Up with Global Disciples for Special Segment on Sustainable Training Resources for Churches

Top International Pilgrimage Company Partners with 'The Dynamic Deacon'

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