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Roe vs. Wade, 2007

Contact: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, 254-836-1037, 254-715-3134

MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- January 22, 1973, another day besides December 7, 1941, that lives in infamy in the history of America. On this day, 34 years ago, an elite group of black-robed Supreme Court judges decriminalized the sin and crime of abortion. With a stroke of a pen, they struck down every law in America that protected preborn children from those who would arbitrarily harm them in the sanctity of their mother’s womb.

Roe vs. Wade is not only a bad legal decision that codified evil into law, but stands as a tribute to the basest aspects of our fallen human nature. It enhances the life of the strong at the expense of the weak. It protects large people as they victimize little people. With impunity, it allows parents to do the unspeakable to their own offspring.

Roe vs. Wade not only violates God’s Law, “Thou Shalt Not Murder,” but also betrays our own national covenant which states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

For 34 years and counting, America is refusing to uphold our first and most fundamental right, which is the right to life. No other rights as Americans are secure, if this right is denied. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom of the press are of no consequence to an aborted baby.

Roe vs. Wade is a national tragedy that far exceeds the abominable practice of slavery. It should remind every American that we are failing once again to live up to our own creed and ideals. For millions of little American citizens waiting to be born the “American Dream” has turned into a deadly nightmare. Can a nation that denies life and freedom to its most vulnerable members be worthy of life and freedom themselves?

Lastly, Roe vs. Wade is a call to repent of this national sin, renew our national covenant, and restore protection to the least of these, our preborn children. May abortion not only become illegal once again, but like slavery before it, may it become unthinkable in the United States of America.

For more information or interviews, please contact Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas at (254) 836-1037 or 715-3134.