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Easter Deception? Movie 'Heaven is for Real' -- Not True -- Unbiblical

Contact: Steve Wohlberg, White Horse Media, 559-977-9744, steve@whitehorsemedia.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, April 17, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- The  real-life story behind 'Heaven is for Real' seems so encouraging. 4-year-old Colton Burpo, during emergency surgery in 2003, has a near-death experience, exits his body, visits heaven, sees Jesus, angels, and deceased relatives (including a dead sister), and lives to tell about it. His father, Pastor Todd Burpo, turned his family's drama into a New York Times bestseller in 2008. Widely considered by Christians as an evangelistic opportunity, the film version hit theaters April 16, four days before Easter. 

"There's one major problem," counters Bible expert, television producer, and author of 30+ books, Steve Wohlberg. "Neither the Old or New Testaments teach anywhere that our dead relatives are floating around in heaven waiting to talk to us. Instead, they 'sleep' (1 Cor. 15:51)quietly in their graves awaiting 'the resurrection at the last day' (John 11:25)."

Consider these biblical facts: In John 14:1-3, Jesus plainly informed His followers that they would be with Him when He "comes again." In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Paul also encouraged Christians that they would "be with the Lord forever" when He returns to raise the dead. Not only that, but the notion of dialoguing with the deceased is a practice strictly forbidden in Scripture (see Duet. 18:11). It's called "necromancy," and is connected to mediums and spiritists. But this happened to a 4-year-old child! you may be thinking. Read Mark 9:14-29. Unfortunately, our enemy aims dark arrows at children too.

Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media (Newport, WA) and the host of His Voice Today radio and television broadcasts. Widely regarded by media as an apocalyptic expert, he has been featured in three History Channel documentaries (Secrets of the Seven Seals; Strange Rituals: Apocalypse; Armageddon Battle Plan), and has spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. His enlightening books, Solving the Mystery of Death (Remnant Publications), and Demons in Disguise: The Dangers of Talking to the Dead, explore these subjects fully. His website is www.HisVoiceToday.com.

A committed husband and father of two young children, Mr. Wohlberg welcomes all opportunities to discuss this sensitive issue. To schedule an interview, he may be contacted at 559-977-9744 (mobile) or by email at steve@whitehorsemedia.com.