Contact: Mark Harrington, Created Equal, 614-419-9000,
COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 7, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Monday, March 12, 2012, Created Equal, along with Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust and dozens of other young people, will pile into vans and head to Florida on the first Pro-Life Justice Ride of 2012. From March 12-22, pro-life activists will display large graphic abortion signs at colleges and high schools in Florida to expose contemporary age discrimination -- abortion.
See schedule below.
2012 Florida Justice Ride*
- March 12, 23 - Tallahassee, Florida State University, Union Green, Landis Green
- March 13, 14 - Gainesville, University of Florida, Plaza of the Americas
- March 15, 16 - Orlando, University of Central Florida, Free Assembly Area
- March 19 - Boca Raton, Florida Atlantic University, Free Speech Lawn
- March 20 - Miami, Florida International University, Graham Center Lawn
- March 21 - Fort Myers, Florida Gulf Coast University, Library Lawn
- March 21, 22 - Tampa, University of South Florida, Cooper Hall and Library
- March 22 - Ocala, College of Central Florida, Bell Tower
*Includes local High School outreach in each city.
Created Equal Statement:
"Florida is a battleground state for the 2012 election and college campuses are ground zero. This initiative will educate young voters who are crucial to secure in order to win the White House. We are mobilizing youth with a mission to end the greatest injustice of or time."
-- Mark Harrington, Executive Director, Created Equal
You may be wondering, "What's a Justice Ride?" In the 1960s, African-Americans boarded segregated buses to draw attention to racial discrimination. They called these Freedom Rides.
Created Equal draws upon the Freedom Rides of the past and other parallels between the civil rights movement and the pro-life movement to inspire youth to get involved in a cause far greater than themselves. We are inspiring a new generation of pro-life activists to take on the culture of death and win.