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Colorado Personhood Amendment Encounters Historical March for Life Success, Legal Setbacks

Contact: Keith Mason, Personhood USA, 202-595-3500 ext. 1


DENVER, Jan. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Friday's Colorado March for Life, presented by Colorado Right to Life, was the largest in recent history, with marchers at the State Capitol numbering nearly 1,500. The march was marked by an unprecedented number of teens, with young people making up the majority of participants.


'Personhood' was the theme, with each speaker highlighting the need to recognize Personhood rights for preborn babies from the moment of their biological beginning. The Personhood USA slogan "Persons Not Property" was displayed prominently, and chants of "Roe v. Wade has got to go!" resounded through the streets surrounding the March.


The March for Life began with a press conference featuring film and television star Eduardo Verastegui. "I am here to support the Personhood movement, and to ask everyone to sign the petition so we can pass this amendment," declared Verastegui. "Coming from Mexico, I come from a different perspective where the personhood movement is a reality...I am very proud to tell you that in over half of the country, 17 states already, life is protected from the moment of conception to natural death. I would love to see that reality here in America."


Speakers included Maria Lancaster, a mom who adopted her daughter Elisha as a frozen embryo, Rebecca Keissling, author of "Conceived in Rape: A Story of Hope", and Pastor Jim Shaddix from Riverside Baptist Church.


Prominent figures included Denver Bishop James D. Conley, Senator Scott Renfroe, Senator Dave Schultheis, Senator Kevin Lundberg, State Representative Amy Stephens, State Representative B.J. Nikkel, State Representative Cory Gardner, Tom Lucero, currently running for Colorado's 4th Congressional District, and Jimmy Lakey, currently running for Colorado's 7th Congressional District.


"It was amazing to see such a sizeable crowd standing as a witness for pre-born babies. The West side of the Capitol was filled to overflowing!" remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the Colorado Personhood Amendment. "Volunteers returned hundreds of full petitions, and we passed out hundreds of blank petitions to both existing and new volunteers."


Along with the large turnout and petition success came some negative news from the Colorado Secretary of State's Office. The deadline date has changed from February 15th to February 12th, losing a critical weekend for the signature drive. "We are disappointed by this news, but not discouraged," continued Garcia-Jones. "We will continue to work day and night to ensure we have the signatures needed to get on the ballot."