Personalized Anti-Abortion Billboard Trucks Headed to Congressional District of Rep. Baron Hill (D-IN)
Contact: Don Cooper, 949-206-0600; Fletcher Armstrong, 865-776-1312; Mark Harrington, 614-419-9000; Bill Calvin, 816-918-9873; Michael Schrimsher, 407-810-3515; all with Center For Bio-Ethical Reform
MEDIA ADVISORY, March 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform will operate billboard trucks in the congressional district of Rep. Baron Hill (D-IN) a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, beginning immediately and ending with the vote on the final version of the health care reform legislation currently making its way through both houses of Congress.
Photo: Sample Sign
Trucks will display large abortion photos in a campaign to remind voters that abortion is not health care and consequently should not be federally funded as an element of health care reform, either directly or indirectly.
We thank Rep. Hill for opposing abortion funding through government subsidized health insurance policies that would launder government money through an insured's personal checking account to create the misleading impression that public funds have thereby been transformed into private premiums. We urge him to persist in his opposition.
Questions regarding this education project may be directed by email to Gregg Cunningham, Executive Director, The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform, at Email replies will be provided in time to accommodate journalists writing on deadline or within twenty-four hours, whichever time is shorter. Phone interviews may be conducted by contacting Don Cooper, 949-206-0600, Fletcher Armstrong, 865-776-1312, Mark Harrington, 614-419-9000, Bill Calvin, 816-918-9873, or Michael Schrimsher, 407-810-3515.
Gregg Cunningham
Executive Director,
The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform
PO Box 219
Lake Forest, CA 92609