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There's a Devil Loose in America

Contact: James Sterling, Reporter, Troy Beacon, 313-605-5017


OPINION, April 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted for publication by James Sterling:


Seung-hui Cho, the 23-year-old Virginia Tech killer didn't surprise me with his horrific actions, after all, he was just acting like his daddy. Like father, like son!

Folks, the Bible says; there are two fathers: The father of truth – Jesus, who comes to bring us life. The father of lies – Satan, who comes only to rob, kill and destroy. No one can serve both masters.

Lesbian Daphne Wright, 43, smiled after her verdict was read. Wright was convicted recently of kidnapping and murdering heterosexual Darlene VanderGiesen, 42, and hacking up her body with a chainsaw. There's a devil loose in America!

Satan and his gang has quite a diverse crew: Serial killers, child-molesters, rapists, pimps, drug dealers, faux Christian preachers, abortionists, false religions and the list just goes on-and-on.

The devils public relations and marketing team have worked over-time to polish up his 'image' to make his evil works more palatable to the naïve and elevating the esteem of his cohorts. With new wonderful front names – (Like 'Gay' replacing abomination, child molesters becomes Man Boy Love Association, crazed VA Tech killer becomes confused po' boy from wrong side of tracks.) – Satan's team members are now accepted at more places than Visa or MasterCard are. Some so called Christian churches are denying there even-is-a devil.

There's a devil loose in America and one of the best things we can do for America is to unite in prayer.

Millions will answer a call to prayer on Thursday, May 3rd in observance of the 56th annual National Day of Prayer (NDP). Organized events will be held in thousands of public venues where intercession will be made for our nation, government leaders, media, schools, churches, and families.

The Troy NDP Task Force is conducting its 13th annual observance in front of Troy City Hall (500 West Big Beaver Road) from noon to 1:00 p.m. This event provides the opportunity for people to stand united in their faith in God and petition Him for the needs of the community, nation and the world. I urge everyone of the Christian Faith to turn out for this time of prayer, putting aside denominational traditions that have burned the bridges of brotherly fellowship between Churches.

Friends, our Churches are in need of reformation. America desperately needs an honest to goodness revival and that's going to take Christians praying and getting involved in doing something about it. 1Co 4:20-"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."

The devil is not playing games, my friends, and neither should we!