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Two New Books by Christian Author, Chuck Antone, Jr.

Contact: Chuck Antone Jr, 808-329-3242, antoneyboksu@gmail.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, March 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- "You've Got to be Kidding, Lord, You Want Me to Tell Who About You?" True accounts of how the Lord has allowed Chuck to witness one-on-one; some funny and some sad as some have rejected the Lord.

Some comments on this book: "Oh my goodness, I was laughing out loud," "Made me cry tears of joy," "Some stories were so touching, I got big bumps in my throat," "I was roaring out loud."

"Barsabbas" A fiction story that takes place during the resurrection and the ascension, where Jesus meets with a group of believers and teaches them from the book of Mark. It is a love story between a man and a woman and their love for Jesus.

Some comments on this book: "I loved the book and have been recommending it to everyone," "Your book was great, I really liked it," "I loved the book and am re-reading it," "The tender story of Mary was incredible, and tenderly written," "The way you incorporated Jesus' conversations into the story was like I was there listening to Him speak. It made His words more real to me."

Chuck is an evangelistic author and song writer. He and his wife, Doni, have started churches in the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong and So. Africa where they have seen close to ten thousand people make commitments to the Lord.

Chuck is the Pastor/Director of the Kona Coast Chaplaincy on the Big Island of Hawaii. He spends four months each year in Taiwan where many have come to know Christ. He and Doni are Directors of "Go Spread His Word Ministries," which was founded when 1990. You can contact Chuck at antoneyboksu@gmail.com.